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How can we help?

Level 2 Service

We can assist your staff with lien filing and mailing

Level 2 service is designed to assist healthcare providers who either file relatively few liens or who have the time, staff and/or knowledge needed to prepare their own liens. Level 2 customers will significantly reduce the time and costs required to prepare, sign, file and mail liens.

Online lien forms automatically create statute-specified letters

Using our drop down forms, Level 2 customers can fill out a drop-down form that prompts you to fill in the fields required by law to prepare a valid lien. The same form will also automatically prepare the letter(s) that, by law, must be sent to the patient and other individuals or entities specified under the applicable statutes.

Southwest Liens will review and electronically file the lien and mail it to your patient and anyone else specified in the form

Once a form is completed, submit it to SWL, Inc. where one of our preparers will review it for completeness and attach a digital signature.

Our certified electronic signers will validate the liens and electronically file the document with the appropriate county recorder's office. Once filed, SWL, Inc. staff will mail the lien(s) to your patient and any attorneys, adjusters or insurance companies that are identified in the application form. A PDF or TIFF copy of the lien, with the Recorder's seal and the letter(s), will be returned to you electronically for your records.

Remember, you are responsible for determing whether a lien is validly filed.

Southwest Liens will backup and store your liens

SWL, Inc. will also create a file and electronically store the Lien, Lien notification letters and Lien Releases for safe keeping and records retention.

When the lien is resolved

When you have resolved the lien, simply fill out the Lien Release form and send it to SWL, Inc.. We will again sign, file and return the completed Lien Release. You will be charged directly for each transaction.

Southwest Liens, Inc. is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice to customers. Customers with legal questions are advised to consult with a licensed attorney. SWL, Inc. does act as a conduit for communications for level 1 customers only, when those communications are solely related to liens SWL, Inc. has prepared and filed, but does not negotiate or resolve liens or legal issues related to liens.

Our Benefits
  • We File

  • We Mail

  • We Store

  • We Support

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