Medical Lien Services
Southwest Liens offers 2 levels of lien filing services, each designed to fit your specific needs.
Which level of service works best for you will depend on several factors:
- The number of patients you and your organization treat
- The number of liens you file
- Your familiarity with the requirements of Arizona's Medical Lien laws
- The amount of resources and time you want to devote to protecting your right to recover your medical bills
- The level and type of technology used to track your patient's admission, treatment, records and bills
Service Level 1
Mid-to-high volume healthcare providers can reduce staff time in preparing and filing medical liens:
- In a business to business application, our system will directly interface with your computer to download the necessary information to file liens.
- We will act as your agent with patients, attorneys and insurance companies
- We offer online access on a secure website to view your lien progress
- We will provide monthly lien updates
Service Level 2
For healthcare providers who file few liens or who have a staff to file liens, we can assist your process:
- We provide forms that you or your staff can fill out for liens and lien releases
- We will file and electronically store the lien and releases for you
Southwest Liens, Inc. is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice to customers. Customers with legal questions are advised to consult with a licensed attorney. SWL, Inc. does act as a conduit for communications for level 1 customers only, when those communications are solely related to liens SWL, Inc. has prepared and filed, but does not negotiate or resolve liens or legal issues related to liens.
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